Real Estate Online Only Auction

Begins Closing:

Cropland Auction

51 Acres ~ Seneca County ~ Scipio Township ~ Section 31

Tuesday, November 21, 2023 @ 6 P.M.


Farm Location: Approximately 3 miles south of Republic on SH 67 then West on County Road 106 (Coe Rd.) to Farm - Signs Posted 

One tract of 51 Acres +/- nearly all tillable w/315' plus of frontage. Level to rolling topography. Blount silt loam predominate soil. Waterway completely redone 4-5 years ago. 

All bidding will be online. Sells subject to sellers confirmation. 

Bidding begins closing November 21 @ 6 P.M. Sharp - Online Only @ Please be preregistered & ready to bid in advance of auction closing date. Contact WMS for bidding assistance and phone bids before auction closing date @ 419-294-4366

Onsite Inspection w/WMS Staff: Mon. November 13 (4-5PM) or Private Showings Available Upon Request @ 419-294-4366 (We ask that you do not walk or drive on the property without prior approval from auction company) 

TERMS: Opening Bid: $350,000.00. Farm selling subject to sellers confirmation after online bidding is completed. A non-refundable down payment of 5% will be due within 48 hours with cash or check, balance due at closing. Closing to take place after January 1, 2024 but before January 10, 2024. A 3% buyers premium will be added to the high bid to determine final purchase price. Complete terms and conditions available in bidders packet. 

Owner: Rellco, llc

Kristy Gottfried, Auctioneer

WMS Marketing Services

1400 E. Wyandot Ave., Upper Sandusky, OH

Ph: 419-294-4366 -


PROCEDURE: Online Only Auction. Open bidding will be available until 6:00 PM EST Tuesday, November 21, 2023, subject to bid extensions.

NO CONTINGENCIES: This Real Estate contract is not contingent on or subject to Buyer’s financing, appraisal, survey or inspections of any kind or any other contingencies as agreed to by bidders at registration prior to bidding.

ZONING AND EASEMENTS: Property is being sold subject to any and all easements of record. Property is subject to all state and local zoning ordinances.

REAL ESTATE TAXES: Pro-rated to the day of closing.

SURVEY: Survey will be provided by the seller if required by the county to transfer. 

CONTRACT AND DOWN PAYMENT: Farm selling subject to sellers confirmation after online bidding is completed. A non-refundable down payment of 5% will be due within 48 hours per tract with cash or check, balance due at closing. Closing to take place after January 1, 2024 but before January 10, 2024. A 3% buyers premium will be added to the high bid to determine final purchase price. Down payment check to be made payable to WMS Marketing Services Real Estate Trust Account.

TITLE: Transferable 

CLOSING: After January 1, 2024 but before January 10, 2024

POSSESSION: Possession at closing.

AGENCY: WMS Marketing Services & WMS Auction Services are the Agent and Representative of the Seller.

The information is believed to be accurate; however, no liability for its accuracy, errors or omissions is assumed the owners or WMS Marketing Services. All lines drawn on maps, photographs, etc. are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their satisfaction. There are no expressed or implied warranties made by the Seller(s) or WMS Marketing Services / WMS Auction Services pertaining to this property. Real estate is being sold "As Is, Where Is".

AUCTIONEER: Kristy Gottfried, OH License # 2022000264; Phone: 419-294-4366; Email:

E. Township Road 106, Tiffin, Ohio, 44883